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Configuring the Statistics Toolkit and Statistics
You can adapt the statistics construction kit to your individual wishes and needs. The size and position of the widgets as well as their content can be changed or further tabs can be added in order to collect the widgets more clearly.
The view can be changed to graphic or tabular form tab by tab or per statistic. You can display the “counted data records” from the table. Cumulated annual values can be displayed and much more. This is explained in detail in “Using statistics“.
Edit Mode
Configure the Statistics Board and widgets by activating Edit Mode. In the active tab, open the “Edit drop-down menu” behind the menu triangle on the right side of the tab and select “Activate editing mode”.
The menu triangle is not displayed in distributed tabs, these have the symbol
on the left side of the tab
If the edit mode is activated, a wrench symbol appears on the left of the current tab.
Now you can add, move and delete widgets as you like.
Save changes
If you wish to save your changes, open the “Edit drop-down menu” behind the menu triangle on the right in the tab and select “Exit editing mode”.
To change the position or size of a stat, add or delete new statistics, switch to edit mode. To save the changes, exit the edit mode.
Add new statistics
Statistics can be added by clicking on the plus icon in the upper left corner. A window opens in which the statistics can be selected. Please click on “Create Widget”. You can also add a statistic more than once. There are ready-made sample statistics, a freely configurable statistic, and you can create templates yourself or use those of a colleague
Now the new statistic is on the statistic construction kit at the end of the statistics and can be moved on this to any position.
Move statistics
You can move the statistics to any position on the board by holding down the mouse button. If the statistic appears transparent at a free space when you move it, it positions itself there as soon as you release the mouse button
If a statistic already exists at this point, it is moved. If there is not enough space at this point, it is positioned in the next “line”
If the move fails, you will find the statistics at the bottom. The newly created statistics are also positioned there
Click and drag to move statistics from one tab to another. Drag the statistics to the desired tab and wait a moment. After the new tab has opened, you can release the statistics there
Statistics Size
The size of the statistics can be changed by dragging it in the bottom right corner of the statistics window. To do this, please grab the small grey triangle at the bottom right of the frame and drag the window to the desired size
The width can be set to 25%, 50%, 75% or 100% of the statistics construction kit, the height can include one or two “lines”.
Delete statistics
You can remove the statistics again using the trash can icon in the top right-hand corner of the statistics frame.
Save changes
If you wish to save your changes, open the “Edit drop-down menu” behind the menu triangle on the right in the tab and select “Exit editing mode”.
Tabs in the statistics construction kit
You can change the individual tabs, provided that you have the necessary user rights and that it is not a distributed tab (symbol ).
Add Tabs
The Statistics Toolkit only has the “General” tab by default, but new tabs can be created.
With the plus symbol in the table bar you create a new tab. The create dialog opens. Here you define the name (and the mode for the statistics tab in the dashboard)
Ichange tabs / delete tabs
In the active tab, you can open the “drop-down menu” for editing behind the menu triangle on the right side of the tab.
Via “Settings” the configuration is opened as when creating the tab. Here you can change the name of the tab.
You can now move the tab to the right or left in the menu. Please note, distributed tabs are always left at the first position.
You can also delete a tab here.
Save configuration / change configuration
If you are an administrator, you also have the option of saving the current Statistical Building Kit tab configuration and distributing it to other users.
To save the Statistical Building Kit tab configuration, click the “Configuration”button in the action bar. There you can choose from several options
The stored tabs can be distributed by the administrator via the user administration . Please note that only one statistics tab per user can be specified, this is displayed as the first tab and cannot be edited by the user.