You are here: Home / Extras / onOffice-MLS / activate onOffice-MLS


activate onOffice-MLS

Before activating

If the onOffice-MLS is available for you, but has not yet been activated, a click on the module icon displays information about the onOffice-MLS. As an administrator, you can activate the onOffice-MLS directly.

For all other users, information about the onOffice-MLS is displayed.

After activation

After the onOffice-MLS has been activated, a portal interface is activated for all users, which you can use to easily post your property in the portal.


For the onOffice-MLS, it is necessary to specify a commission sharing in the property. The default setting for new property is 50%. For existing property, you must specify the value before publishing. You can find instructions for this in the configuration.

The portal interface can be deactivated for individual groups; a general deactivation of the interface is only possible via onOffice support.

From now on you can open the onOffice-MLS via the module icon and search in it.

A guide to listing and finding property can be found here.