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Images with watermarks

Images with watermarks may not be used in the onOffice-MLS.

If you use pictures with watermarks, you must upload new pictures without watermarks at the property.
If the images are automatically watermarked during upload, you must temporarily deactivate this in the basic settings “Watermark (Image Uploader)”. Administration rights are required for this.

The new images must be configured so that they are only published in onOffice-MLS. All other images are excluded. You can change the publication of multiple images at once. Below you will find instructions on how to do this.

Edit multiple files simultaneously

To select the files for editing, hold down the CTRL key and click them individually to highlight them. The selected images get a narrow red frame.

Important: You must first press and hold the CTRL key before selecting the files with the mouse.

Then click the button Button Ausgewählte Dateien bearbeitento switch to edit mode. In edit mode, each image has a wide red frame.

In the “Publish” area at the bottom right, you can now specify to which portal the images/files are to be transferred.
In the picture above, for example, all images have been excluded from publication on onOffice-MLS.

You must do the same if you uploaded the new images without a watermark and specify the publication there.

The title image without watermark must be arranged as the 2nd image so that it is also used as the title image in onOffice-MLS. You can change the order of the images by dragging the corresponding image to the desired position with the mouse and then releasing the mouse button.