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User template

To avoid having to manually set and maintain the same rights for each user role, you can summarize these settings in onOffice as a template and assign them to a user.

Create template

To create a template, click on the “New data record” icon at the top left of the user management screen New record icon and then select “User template” under “Save as”. Now you can give this template a name and save it. Please assign a “descriptive name” so that it is easier to find the “right template” later when assigning the templates to the user.

The rights of the “Marketplace – external services” category cannot be controlled via templates, but must be set in the user rights for the individual users.

After saving, the template is opened for further editing. The “Rights” tab contains all the settings that are also available for a user in the “Rights” tab. Please assign the required authorizations and settings and then save the template.

Template members

As rights settings are changed with the template, a template can only be assigned from a user for security reasons. This is done in the Rights tab of the respective user.

Removing a user from the template can also only be done in the Rights tab of the corresponding user by selecting “Free settings” under User template. The user receives the same authorizations that were set in the template. Please check the authorizations directly.


Should the selected user templates really be deleted? All users whose rights refer to one of these templates receive free rights settings. Please note that you must check the rights of these users again afterwards.

In the template itself, you can see which users are assigned to the template in the “Template users” tab. For the reasons mentioned above, only a list is displayed here, no changes are possible.

Change template

You can change the authorizations of the template. Please adjust the rights accordingly in the “Rights” tab and save the template.

This changes the authorizations for all team members.

Duplicate template

A template can be duplicated. To do this, please open the template. In the action bar, click on the “Duplicate template” entry, assign a name for the new template and then save.

Delete template

You can delete templates in the list view template. After you have deleted all users from the template, select the desired templates and select the “Delete template” entry under “Template actions” in the action bar.

If users are still assigned to a template, you will receive a corresponding message.


If users are still assigned to a template, the authorizations of the template are transferred to the users when the template is deleted. Please delete the user assignments before deleting the template, it is no longer possible to determine the affected users afterwards, the authorizations must be checked for all users!