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Macro list

Mauro onOffice – Field designation
_AdrDatensatznummer Record number of the address
_Uuidaddress UUID (Universally Unique Identifier) of the address
_Briefanrede Letter salutation
_BriefanredePers1 Letter salutation for master data
_BriefanredePers2 Letter salutation for master data-2
_OSG_ADRESSAT complete addressee with company, title, name, if applicable. Name2, postal code, city

Without parameters the date will be output as follows:
26. April 2004.
You use the parameters to determine the format of the date output.
The following parameters are available:

Parameter Meaning
D Day (no leading zero)
DD Day (leading zero)
DDD Weekday Short (Mon)
DDDD Weekday written out
M Month (no leading zero)
MM Month (leading zero)
MMM Month name Short (Jan)
MMMM Month name written out
YY Displays the year as a two-digit number.
YYYY Displays the year as a four-digit number.
. : – / , “space possible separators in the parameter. Brackets “(“, “)” are not possible.

Example (kaufpreis == purchase price):

  • (no parameters) _Datum = April 26, 2004
  • _Datum(YY-MM-DD) = 04-04-26
  • _Datum(DD.MM.YYYY) = 04/26/2004
_KDatum current date (e.g. 26.04.2004)
_KdNr Customer no
_Anrede(n) Displays the salutation of a contact record. The parameter can be used to output “Mr.” instead of “Mr.”. On “Woman” the parameter has no effect.
_Titel Titles:
_Name Name
_Vorname First name
_Strasse Street
_PLZ Zipcode
_Ort Location
_Firma1 Company1
_Firma2 Company2
_RufnummerStandard The phone number which is marked as “default”
_Telefon Phone1 (first number)

The nth number with the specified number type.

Allowed number types:

  • business
  • mobile
  • private
  • leave empty

Example: _Telefon(geschäftlich,2), if there is more than one number with type “geschäftlich”, the macro will output the second number with type “geschäftlich”. This does not have to be the 2nd number in the list.

Example: _Telefon(,2), returns the 2. Number in the list of phone numbers, regardless of whether and which type is set.

_Telefax Fax1 (first number)
_Handy First phone number for a mobile network, regardless of the type specified.
_Email Email1 (first address)

The nth email with the specified type.

Permitted types:

  • business
  • private

Example: _Email(geschäftlich,2), if there is more than one email address with type business, the macro will output the second email address with type business. This does not have to be the second email address in the list.

Example: _Email(,2), displays the second email address in the list of email addresses, regardless of whether and which type is set.

_Homepage Homepage
_Geburtsdatum Date of birth
_Geburtsdatum2 Date of birth of the partner
_ArtDaten Returns a comma-separated list of the contact types of the address data set
_HerkunftKontakt Returns a comma-separated list with the stored values of the field “Origin contact” of the address data record
_AdrSuchkriterien(formatierung, font:xyz)

Displays the search criteria entered for this contact record in table form.

The “formatting” parameter is either “word”, “txt” or “html” and determines the formatting of the table.
Without specifying the parameter, “word” is used by default.

If you use the “html” parameter, you can optionally add the following parameters to specify the font:

– font:xyz
“xyz” is used here as a placeholder for the desired font. The font stored here should be a system font so that it can be interpreted by any email client.

_AdrSuchkriterienDeaktivieren(formatierung, email)

Displays a link with which the search criteria of the contact record can be deactivated.

The “formatierung” parameter is either “html” (formatted HTML link) or “txt” (only the link without HTML formatting).
Without specifying the parameter, “html” is used by default.

The email parameter is optional.

  • email: The address maintainer will receive a confirmation email when the customer deactivates the search criteria.
_AdrSuchkriterienUpToDate(formatierung, email)

Displays a link with which the search criteria of the contact record can be marked as current.

The “formatierung” parameter is either “html” (formatted HTML link) or “txt” (only the link without HTML formatting).
Without specifying the parameter, “html” is used by default.

The email parameter is optional.

  • email: You will receive a confirmation email when the customer has confirmed that the search criteria is up to date.
  • nomail: The confirmation email will not be sent.
  • If neither email nor nomail is passed, a confirmation email will be sent in any case.
_AdrEintragsdatum Inserts the entry date of a contact record
_AdrBenutzerSignatur Inserts the signature of the supervisor of a contact record
_AdrIBAN IBAN (formerly account number)
_AdrBIC BIC (formerly bank code)
_AdrTippgeber Displays the referrer stored for an address.

Provides a link for an prospect to subscribe/unsubscribe to your distribution list.

  • doilink: With activated Double Opt-In, macro with parameter displays the 2. mail the newsletter for the confirmation function.
_Anrede2 Salutation2
_Titel2 Title2
_Vorname2 First name2
_Name2 Name2
_Strasse2 Street2
_PLZ2 Zipcode2
_Ort2 City2
_employer Employer
_jobTitle Job title
_jobPosition Position:
_salary Income
_workContract Employment relationship

Creates a link to disable the “automatic brochure sending” field.

The letter x represents the format. The parameter is optional, if it is not specified,
the macro behaves as for HTML

  • txt: Link (without HTML tag)
_dateipfadAdressfeld(feldname, breite, höhe, einheit, typ, txt/html)

Returns the image tag / link to the file of the property field “feldname”.
The placeholder x can be entered for the size or width.
To specify units, px(for pixel) and cm are possible..
The allowed values for “type” are

  • mail
  • word

With “txt” the URL to the file is output, with “html” or without
an img tag with the corresponding size information is returned.

_Passfoto The passport photo of the contact record
_Passfoto(Hoehe,Breite,Einheit) The passport photo of the contact record with specified dimensions. Here x can be entered as a placeholder for the size or width. To specify units, px(for pixel) and cm are possible
_letzter_Kontakt Date of last contact

ATTENTION: The macro cannot be used in normal emails, it does NOT refer to the linked recipients or addressees of the email.
In the process manager in the “Email” and “SMS” process steps, data of the linked contacts (“Contact” field) can be addressed for emails or SMS. When using the “Contact” field, only e-mail templates whose type is set to ‘Contact dispatch’ can be used. In the “SMS” step, enter the contact macros in the “SMS text” field.

* must be replaced by any address macro, omitting the underscore of the address macro. Example (kaufpreis == purchase price): _KontaktName, _KontaktPLZ

_Adr_Vervollstaendigung(x,y,z,bemerkung, newsletter, agb, kontakt, email, autoexpose, template, URL:, Datenspeicherung, AlleDatenZeigen)

Inserts an address completion link for the contacted person (only possible in emails). The link is valid for 14 days.

ATTENTION: Please include all commas in the macro. For optional parameters, omit only the text, but insert the comma.

The letter x represents the address completion mode. The following values are allowed:

  • Adresse: only the address will be processed
  • Adresse/Suchkriterien: the address and the search criteria are edited
  • Suchkriterien: only the search criteria are processed
  • Adresse mit GWG: only the address and Money Laundring Act are processed
  • Adresse/Suchkriterien mit GWG: the address and the search criteria including Money Laundring Act are processed

The letter y represents the editing mode of the search criteria. The following values are allowed:

  • neu: a new search criterion is defined
  • alt: the old search criteria are edited

If you only want to edit the address, please enter a value for the search criteria editing mode anyway (e.g. neu).

The letter z represents the format. The parameter is optional, if it is not specified,
the macro behaves as for HTML

  • html: HTML mail link
  • txt: Link (without HTML tag)

If the macro is masked as a link in a mail template, the parameter “z” must be transferred with “txt” and therefore without an HTML tag.

If the third parameter is set to “txt”, no a-tag will be inserted in HTML mails either.

The Comment parameter is optional.

  • bemerkung: At the end of the search criterion, a field for entering an internal comment is added.

The Newsletter parameter is optional.

  • newsletter: At the end of the auto-completion, the confirmation to subscribe to the newsletter is added.

The GTC parameter is optional.

  • gtc: At the end of the auto-completion, the confirmation of the GTCs is added.

The Contact parameter is optional.

  • kontakt: At the end of the autocomplete, the confirmation is added to consent to be contacted.

The email parameter is optional.

  • email: You will receive a confirmation email when the customer has completed the auto-completion.
  • nomail: The confirmation email is not sent after autocomplete.
  • If neither email nor nomail is passed, a confirmation email will be sent in any case.

The Autoexpose parameter is optional. Requires the “Automatic brochure Dispatch” module.

  • autoexpose: At the end of the auto-completion, the confirmation for automatic sending of brochures is added.

The Template parameter is optional.

  • template: Enter the name of a search criteria template here. When creating new search criteria, the corresponding template is used. When using this parameter,please note that it should always be set exactly to 10. Place must be in order to be recognized. The missing digits can be filled by commas, e.g. _Adr_Vervollstaendigung(Adresse/Suchkriterien,neu,html,,,,,,,Templatename)

The parameter URL: is optional.

  • URL: Here you can specify the address of the web page that will be displayed after saving the address completion. Example: URL: https://www.onoffice.deWhitout the parameter or without specifying an address, the homepage is called from the basic settings.

The parameter Data storage is optional.

  • Data storage: if this parameter is set, the consent for data storage is requested. However, the configuration of the fields from the administration is used. If the real estate agent has enabled only a few fields for address completion via the administration, only these few will be displayed. The real estate agent himself is responsible for ensuring that the prospect sees the complete personal data stored about him.

The ShowAllData parameter is optional.

  • if this parameter is set, the address completion configuration is bypassed. The prospect is then shown all the personal data that has been stored about him.
Information about the property (the first property) of an address
Mauro onOffice – Field designation
_Eigentum* * is to be replaced by an active property field, e.g., _Eigentumort, _Eigentumobjekttyp, _Eigentumstellplatzmiete, …. Note that the field name, not the field content, is critical.
_GekauftesObjekt* * is to be replaced by an active property field, e.g., _GekauftesObjektort, _GekauftesObjektobjekttyp, _GekauftesObjektstellplatzmiete, …. Note that the field name, not the field content, is critical.
_GemietetesObjekt* * is to be replaced by an active property field, e.g., _GemietetesObjektort, _GemietetesObjektobjekttyp, _GemietetesObjektstellplatzmiete, …. Note that the field name, not the field content, is critical.
User-specific macros
Mauro onOffice – Field designation
_Useranrede Salutation of the logged-in user
_Uservorname / _Benutzervorname First name of the logged-in user
_Username / _Benutzername Last name of the logged-in user
_Useremail / _Benutzeremail Email of the logged-in user
_Userfirma / _Benutzerfirma Company of the logged-in user
_Userposition Position in the company of the current user
_Userplz / _Benutzerplz Zipcode of the logged-in user
_Userort / _Benutzerort Location of the logged-in user
_Userstrasse / _Benutzerstrasse Street of the logged-in user
_Userhausnummer / _Benutzerhausnummer House number of the logged-in user
_UserBundesland State of the logged in user
_Userland / _Benutzerland Country of the logged-in user
_Usermobil / _Benutzermobil Mobile number of the logged-in user
_Usertelefon / _Benutzertelefon Phone of the logged-in user
_Userfax / _Benutzerfax Fax of the logged-in user
_Userurl / _Benutzerurl URL of the logged-in user
_Usergerichtsstand Jurisdiction of the logged-in user
_Userhinweis / _Benutzerhinweis User note of the logged-in user
_UserLanguage Language of the current user as a 3-digit abbreviation
_UserLanguage(ISO-639-1) Language of the current user as a 2-digit ISO abbreviation
_Usersonstiges Other information of the current user
_UserMeetingLink Meeting link of the current user from the user settings. Can be output either as HTML link or as text via optional parameter (text) or (html).
_UserFoto(Hoehe,Breite,Einheit) Passport photo of the current user from the user settings. If no passport photo is stored there, the passport photo of the linked address data record is output.
_UserUnterschrift(Hoehe,Breite,Einheit) Signature image of the current user from the user settings.
_Usertitel / _Benutzertitel Title of the logged-in user
_Benutzerzusatz1firma Company1 of the logged-in user
_Benutzerzusatz1name Name extension1 of the logged-in user
_Benutzerzusatz2name Name extension2 of the logged-in user
_BenutzerUstID VAT ID of the logged-in user
_BenutzerSteuernummer Tax number of the logged-in user
_BenutzerWeiteres Further imprint information of the logged-in user
_Benutzerkontonummer Account number of the logged-in user
_Benutzerbank Bank of the logged-in user
_BenutzerBLZ Bank code of the logged-in user
_BenutzerIBAN IBAN of the logged-in user
_BenutzerBIC BIC of the logged-in user
_BenutzerLKZ LKZ of the logged-in user
_BenutzerFinanzamt Tax office of the logged-in user
User of the linked property
Mauro onOffice – Field designation
_ObjBetreuer* * is to be replaced by a user-specific macro, in the form “Useranrede” or “Username”. Displays data of the user who is assigned as a supervisor at the property.
_ObjOfficeGroup* Office group macros of the assigned supervisor of a property, e.g. _ObjOfficeGroupName, _ObjOfficeGroupEmail. For a complete list of group fields, see Macros in Standard Signature .
Company specific macros
Mauro onOffice – Field designation
_Mdtanrede Your salutation *
_Mdtfirma Your company name *
_Mdtname Name Main contact person *
_Mdtvorname First name Main contact person *
_Mdtort Location Company headquarters *
_Mdtstrasse Street Company headquarters *
_Mdthausnummer House number Company headquarters *
_Mdtplz Zipcode Company headquarters *
_MdtBundesland Federal state Company headquarters *
_Mdttelefon Telephone Main contact person *
_Mdtmobil Mobile phone Main contact person *
_Mdtfax Fax Main contact person *
_Mdthomepage Website *
_Mdturl Website *
_Mdtemail Email Main contact person *
_Rechtshinweis The GTC text stored in the “Revocation” tab. If no text is stored there, the legal notice of the basic data is output. *
_downloadAgb The link to the general terms and conditions stored in the basic data *
_Mdtfreitext01 – _Mdtfreitext10 The user-defined texts stored in the basic data
_Mdtfreitexte(XX) The user-defined texts stored in the basic data XX can be replaced by the numbers 1 to 50 to address the respective free text field.
_Mdtrechtshinweis The legal notice * stored in the basic settings
_Mdtueberuns The text “About us” stored in the basic data
Macros marked with * are replaced by the information from the office group if the user is assigned to an office group.
Social networks
Mauro onOffice – Field designation

This macro outputs the link to the social networks stored in Basic settings >> General.

The corresponding network should be entered for “XXX” (e.g. Facebook, Instagram, Google)

  • The “txt” parameter is optional. If the “txt” parameter is present, the link is also hidden behind the text entered in “txt”.
Region Groups Macros
Mauro onOffice – Field designation
_Regionanrede Your salutation
_Regionfirma Your company name
_Regionname Name Main contact
_Regionvorname First name Main contact
_Regionort City Company Headquarters
_Regionstrasse Street Company headquarters
_Regionhausnummer House number Company headquarters
_Regionplz Zipcode Company headquarters
_Regiontelefon Telephone main contact
_Regionfax Fax Main contact
_Regionhomepage Website
_Regionurl Website
_Regionemail Email main contact
_Regionrechtshinweis The deposited legal notice
User assigned to the address
Mauro onOffice – Field designation
_AdrBetreuer* * is to be replaced by a user-specific macro, in the form “Useranrede” or “Username”. Displays data of the user who is assigned as a supervisor at the address.
_AdrOfficeGroup* Office group macros of the assigned supervisor of an address, e.g. _AdrOfficeGroupName, _AdrOfficeGroupEmail. For a complete list, see Macros in Standard Signature .
Macros assigned to the current user address
Mauro onOffice – Field designation
_UserAdr* * is to be replaced by any address macro . The underscore of the address macro is omitted. Example (kaufpreis == purchase price): _UserAdrName, _UserAdrPlz, _UserAdrTelefon(Art,n), … . Please note that the field name, not the field content, is decisive.
Address-specific macros for the user
Mauro onOffice – Field designation
_Eigent* Get addressfields from the owner of a property. * is to be replaced by an active address field, e.g. _EigentName, _EigentPlz, _EigentZusatz1, …. Note that the field name, not the field content, is critical.
_xEigent* see _Eigent*, here for the xth registered owner
_Kaeufer* Get addressfields from the owner of a property. * is to be replaced by an active address field, e.g. _KaeuferName, _KaeuferPlz, _KaeuferZusatz1, …. Note that the field name, not the field content, is critical.
_xKaeufer* see _Kaeufer*, here for the xth registered buyer
_Mieter* Get addressfields from the tenant of a property. * is to be replaced by an active address field, e.g. _MieterName, _MieterPlz, _MieterZusatz1, …. Note that the field name, not the field content, is critical.
_xMieter* see _Mieter*, here for the xth registered tenant
property-specific macros
Mauro onOffice – Field designation

This macro creates a link to the property completion of the linked property. The link is valid for 7 days.

The letter x represents the format. The parameter is optional, if it is not specified,
the macro behaves as for HTML

  • html: HTML mail link
  • txt: Link (without HTML tag)
_objektstatistik(mode, txt)

The macro is used to send property statistics. There are different methods which can be controlled by the parameter “mode”.
The following values can be used instead of “mode”:

  • mail: Display of property statistics as HTML tables in the mail.
  • live: Generates a link to the property statistics. The display is similar to the dashboard widgets from onOffice enterprise, using the CI colors. The property data always correspond to the current status. The validity period of the link is 3 months.
  • fix: Generates a link to the property statistics. The display is similar to the dashboard widgets from onOffice enterprise, using the CI colors. The property data correspond to the status at the time the mail was sent. The validity period of the link is 4 weeks.

The “txt” parameter is optional. If the parameter is missing, the macro will be replaced by a formatted HTML link. If the “txt” parameter is present, the macro will be replaced by an unformatted link.

_ObjecttrackingUrl URL for redirection to the login home page for property tracking. The macro only works in an email template that has been stored in the basic settings on the “General” tab, within the “Property tracking” category.
_ObjecttrackingUsername Login name of the user linked via the mail address for property tracking of the linked property. The macro only works in an email template that has been stored in the basic settings on the “General” tab, within the “Property tracking” category.
_ObjecttrackingUserpassword Login password of the user linked via the mail address for property tracking of the linked property. The macro only works in an email template that has been stored in the basic settings on the “General” tab, within the “Property tracking” category.
property-specific macros for the contact person
Mauro onOffice – Field designation

Prefix _XAddress

Contact person macro for contact persons with the contact type “Broker”.

_XAnsprech* * is to be replaced by an active address field, e.g. _XAnsprechName, _XAnsprechPlz, _XAnsprechZusatz1, …. Note that the field name, not the field content, is critical.
_XAnsprechPassFoto Photo of the contact person
_XAnsprechPassFoto(Hoehe,Breite,Einheit) Photo of the contact person with specified dimensions. Here x can be entered as a placeholder for the size or width. The possible units are px (for pixel) and cm.
_XAnsprechLogoKunde Customer logo from contact person

Prefix _XAPKontaktart#kontaktart#

Contact partner macro for contact persons with the contact type, e.g. “broker”, “notary”, “indMulti111Select111”.
Please note that the field name of the contact type is decisive, not the field content.
Please note that no spaces may be included, i.e. the prefix _XAPKontaktart#KundeNebenkontakt# must be used for the contact type “customer secondary contact”, for example.

_XAPKontaktart#kontaktart#* * is to be replaced by an active address field, e.g. _XAPKontaktart#kontaktart#Name, _XAPKontaktart#kontaktart#Plz, _XAPKontaktart#kontaktart#Zusatz1, …. Note that the field name, not the field content, is critical.
_XAPKontaktart#kontaktart#PassFoto Photo of the contact person
_XAPKontaktart#kontaktart#PassFoto(Hoehe,Breite,Einheit) Photo of the contact person with specified dimensions. Here x can be entered as a placeholder for the size or width. The possible units are px (for pixel) and cm.
_XAPKontaktart#kontaktart#LogoKunde Customer logo from contact person
Technical data of the property
Mauro onOffice – Field designation
_ObjDatensatznummer Record number of the property
_ObjHauptDatensatznummer Main record number of the property
_objektnr_extern external property number
_Uuidestate UUID (Universally Unique Identifier) of the property
_auftragvon Order from
_auftragbis Order until
_status Status:
_benutzer User
Geographical information about the property
Mauro onOffice – Field designation
_plz Zipcode
_ort Location
_breitengrad Latitude
_laengengrad Longitude
_strasse Displays the street of the property if the address release is set accordingly on the Marketing tab.
_hausnummer Displays the house number of the property if the address release is set accordingly on the Marketing tab.
_bundesland Federal state/province
_land Country
_gemeindecode Community code
_flur Field
_flurstueck Land parcel
_gemarkung District
_etage Floor
_lage_im_bau Position under construction
_wohnungsnr Apartment number
_lage_gebiet Location area
_regionaler_zusatz Regional Addendum:
_Objstrasse Displays the street of the property, regardless of whether the property address is enabled
_Objhausnummer Displays the house number of the property, regardless of whether the property address is released
_Objtuernr Displays the door number of the property, regardless of whether the property address is enabled. The field Door number is only active for Austrian clients
property category
Mauro onOffice – Field designation
_nutzungsart Type of use
_vermarktungsart Type of commercialization
_myvermarktungsart Displays “for sale” or “for rent” depending on the type of commercialization
_objektart Property typology
_objekttyp Kind of property
Free texts for the property
Mauro onOffice – Field designation
_objekttitel property title (optionally, the three-character abbreviation of a language can be specified as a parameter)
_dreizeiler Three-liner (optionally, the three-character abbreviation of a language can be specified as a parameter)
_lage Location, text only (optionally, the three-character abbreviation of a language can be specified as a parameter)
_Lage Location with heading “Location” and indented text (optionally, the three-digit abbreviation of a language can be specified as a parameter)
_ausstatt_beschr Equipment/feature description, text only (optionally, the three-character abbreviation of a language can be specified as a parameter)
_ausstattung Equipment/feature description, text only (optionally, the three-character abbreviation of a language can be specified as a parameter)
_Ausstattung Equipment/feature description with heading “Equipment” and indented text (optionally, the three-digit abbreviation of a language can be specified as a parameter)
_objektbeschreibung Property description, text only (optionally, the three-character abbreviation of a language can be specified as a parameter)
_Objektbeschreibung Property description with heading “property description” and indented text (optionally, the three-character abbreviation of a language can be specified as a parameter)
_sonstige_angaben Other information, text only (optionally, the three-character abbreviation of a language can be specified as a parameter)
_Sonstige_angaben Other information with heading “Other” and indented text (optionally, the three-digit abbreviation of a language can be specified as a parameter)
Pictures of the property
Mauro onOffice – Field designation
_TBild Cover
_Folge(x) Image gallery, floor plans and site plans (x can be replaced by: html_kurz, html_lang, word_kurz or word_lang)
_Bildergalerie Image gallery
_Bildergalerie(ohneUeberschrift) Image gallery, without the caption “picture gallery
_GalerieTop3 Horizontal gallery of the first three images of the property
_TxtTBild(Sprache) Displays the free text for the title image. The language must be specified as a 3 digit abbreviation. e.g. TxtTBild(ENG)
_TitelTBild Cover photo
_KMObjekt kind of property: (e.g. property of purchase, rental property,..)
_TxtBild(typ,nummer,Sprache) Displays the free text for image files. The number is counted separately for each image type. The language must be specified as a 3 digit abbreviation. e.g. TxtPicture(Photo,1,ENG)
_BildX ImageX (for X please any Insert number)
_GBildX (for X please any Insert number) Image large X (for X please any Insert number)
_TitelBildX Title ImageX (for X please any Insert number)
_TitelGrundrissX Title Floor planX (for X please any Insert number)
_TitelLplanX Title Site planX (for X please any Insert number)
_GrundrissX (for X please any Insert number) Floor planX (for X please any Insert number)
_Grundrissfolge Sequence of all floor plans
_Grundrissfolge(noTitle) Sequence of all floor plans without file names
_Grundrissfolge(showInfoUnScale) Sequence of all floor plans. Additionally, the information that the floor plan is not to scale is displayed under each floor plan.
_Grundrissfolge(ohneSeitenumbruch) Sequence of all floor plans, without page breaks between floor plans.
_LageplanX (for X please any Insert number Site planX (for X please any Insert number)
_Lplanfolge Sequence of all site plans
_Lplanfolge(noHeadings) Sequence of all site plans without heading
_dateipfadObjektfeld(feldname, breite, höhe, einheit, typ, txt/html) Returns the image tag / link to the file of the property field “fieldname”. The placeholder x can be entered for the size or width. To specify units, px(for pixel) and cm are possible. The allowed values for “type” are
  • mail
  • word
With “txt” the URL to the file is output, with “html” or without an img tag with the corresponding size information is returned.
In Word, both the macros from the “Images to property” section and the _OSG_Bilder macro can be used, but in emails only the _OSG_Bilder macro can be used.
Prices for the property
Mauro onOffice – Field designation
_Preis(Sprache optional)

The macro displays the price name matching the type of commercialization of the property. Purchase price, lease or ground rent. For the ype of commercialization “Rent”, the name with the first value greater than 0 from the Cold rent, Net cold rent, Flat rent, Rent including heating fields is output.

To translate the macro correctly, use an optional parameter. For example, append (ESP) to the macro to translate the output into the respective language. Please note that the language must be entered as a 3-digit abbreviation.

_preis Returns the value of the field associated with _Preis.
_kaufpreis Purchase price
_nettokaltmiete Net cold rent
_kaltmiete Cold rent
_Vertrag Rent or buy
_myvermarktungsart for sale or for rent
_nebenkosten Service charges
_warmmiete Rent including heating
_heizkosten Heating costs
_zzgl_mehrwertsteuer plus VAT
_mietzuschlaege Extra charges on rent
_pacht Lease
_erbpacht Hereditary lease
_hausgeld House fees
_abstand Distance
_preis_zeitraum_von Price period from
_preis_zeitraum_bis Price Period until
_mietpreis_pro_qm Rental price per sqm
_kaufpreis_pro_qm Purchase price per sqm
_innen_courtage Internal commission
_aussen_courtage External commission
_waehrung Currency
_mwst_satz VAT Rate – Displays the deposited value for the property. For the output of the currently valid VAT rate, see _Mehrwertsteuer or _VAT
_freitext_preis Free text price
_x_fache x times
_nettorendite Net return
_nettorendite_ist Net return (actual)
_mieteinnahmen_ist Rental income (actual)
_mieteinnahmen_soll Rental income (debit)
_erschliessungskosten Development costs
_kaution Deposit
_geschaeftsguthaben Business balance
_stellplatzmiete Rent for parking space
_stellplatzkaufpreis Parking space price
_stellplatzliste Listing of the parking spaces
_stp_anzahl Number of parking spaces
_Stellplatzpreissumme Sum of the prices of the parking spaces If purchase AND rent are specified, nothing is charged.
_kostenumgelegt Allocated costs
_kostennichtumgelegt Costs not allocated
Area data for the property
Mauro onOffice – Field designation
_Surface(language optional)

The macro displays the default area name matching the type of property. In the case for plot of land, for example, the plot surface area, etc. In the case of a house, apartment or room, the living space. For types of property without standard areas, total area is output. Usable area is output for types of property without standard areas with type of use “Commercial”. The following standard areas are available for the type of properties:

  • Living space: House, room, apartment, WAZ
  • Office space: Office, practices
  • Gastronomy area: Hospitality industry
  • Retail space: Retail trade
  • Land area: d property
  • Storage area: Halls Warehouse Prod
  • rentable space: Apartment building investment property

An associated area field is always examined depending on the type of property. If this is not filled with a value, the following fields are checked in sequence until a value is found.

  • Useful area
  • Floor space
  • Retail space
  • Total area

To translate the macro correctly, use an optional parameter. For example, append (ESP) to the macro to translate the output into the respective language. Please note that the language must be entered as a 3-digit abbreviation.


Value of the field belonging to _Flaeche. Types of property without standard areas with the type of use “commercial” output the value from usable area. For the other types of property without standard area, the value of the total area is output.

_wohnflaeche Living space
_nutzflaeche Useful area
_gesamtflaeche Total area
_ladenflaeche Retail space
_lagerflaeche Storage area
_verkaufsflaeche Retail space
_freiflaeche Open space
_bueroflaeche Office space
_bueroteilflaeche Office space
_grundflaeche Floor space
_fensterfront Window front
_verwaltungsflaeche Administration area
_gastroflaeche Gastronomy area
_grz Plot of land number
_gfz floor-space index
_bmz BMZ
_bgf Gross base area
_grundstuecksflaeche Plot of land size
_sonstflaeche Other area
_anzahl_zimmer Number of rooms
_anzahl_schlafzimmer Number of bedrooms
_anzahl_badezimmer Number of bathrooms
_anzahl_sep_wc Number of sep. Restrooms
_anzahl_wohn_schlafzimmer Number of living-bedrooms
_gartenflaeche Garden area
_kellerflaeche Basement area
_fensterfront_qm Window front area (sqm)
_grundstuecksfront Site front
_dachbodenflaeche Attic space
_teilbar_ab divisible from
_beheizbare_flaeche heatable area
_anzahl_stellplaetze Number of parking spaces
_plaetze_gastraum Seats dining room
_anzahl_betten Number of beds
_anzahl_tagungsraeume Number of meeting rooms
_vermietbare_flaeche Rentable area
_anzahl_wohneinheiten Number of residential units
_anzahl_gewerbeeinheiten Number of commercial units
_einliegerwohnung Granny flat
_bebaubar_mit Buildable with
_nebenflaeche Secondary area
_gewerbeflaeche Commercial area
_balkon_terrasse_flaeche Balcony/terrace area
Information about the equipment of the property
Mauro onOffice – Field designation
_wg_geeignet Suitable for shared flats
_raeume_veraenderbar Changeable rooms
_bad Bath
_kueche Kitchen
_kamin Fireplace
_heizungsart Heating type
_befeuerung Firing
_klimatisiert Air-conditioned
_fahrstuhl Elevator
_stellplatzart Parking space type
_gartennutzung Garden use
_ausricht_balkon_terrasse Alignment balcony/terrace
_moebliert Furnished
_rollstuhlgerecht Wheelchair accessible
_kabel_sat_tv Cable Sat TV
_barrierefrei Barrier-free
_sauna Sauna
_swimmingpool Swimming pool
_wasch_trockenraum Washing/drying room
_dv_verkabelung DV cabling
_rampe Ramp
_hebebuehne Hydraulic lift
_kran Crane
_gastterrasse Guest Terrace
_stromanschlusswert Power supply value
_kantine_cafeteria Canteen/ Cafeteria
_teekueche Kitchenette
_hallenhoehe Ceiling height of hall
_angeschl_gastronomie Attached Gastronomy
_brauereibindung Brewery attachment
_sporteinrichtungen Sports facilities
_wellnessbereich Wellness area
_serviceleistungen Services
_telefon_ferienimmobilie Phone holiday property
_sicherheitstechnik Security Technology
_unterkellert Basement
_bodenbelastung Soil pollution
_bauweise Construction style
_dachform Roof shape
_boden Floor
_etagen_zahl Total number of floors
Condition of the property
Mauro onOffice – Field designation
_baujahr Year of building
_zustand Condition
_Objalter Age
_bebaubar_nach Buildable after
_erschliessung Development
_bebaubar_mit Buildable with
_altlasten Inherited burdens
_abrisserforderlich Demolition required
_kurzfristig_bebaubar Buildable in the short term
_grd_teilbar_ab Plot divisible from
_energieausweistyp Energy Performance Certificate Type
_energieverbrauchskennwert Energy consumption value
_energieausweis_gueltig_bis Energy Performance Certificate valid until
_energyClass Energy class
_energietraeger Main energy source according to Energy Performance Certificate
_endenergiebedarfWaerme Final energy demand for heat in commercial buildings
_endenergieverbrauchWaerme Final energy consumption for heat in commercial buildings
_endenergiebedarfStrom Final energy demand for electricity in commercial buildings
_endenergieverbrauchStrom Final energy consumption for electricity in commercial buildings
_endenergiebedarf Final energy demand
_warmwasserEnthalten Hot water included?
_energieausweisBaujahr Year of construction according to energy performance certificate
Information on the management of the property
Mauro onOffice – Field designation
_interne_Bemerkung Internal comment
_objektadresse_freigeben Publish property address
_verfuegbar_ab Available from (text)
_abdatum Available from (date)
_bisdatum Available until (date)
_min_mietdauer Rental period (min)
_max_mietdauer Rental period (max)
_versteigerungstermin Auction date
_versteigerungZusatztermin Additional date (auction)
_versteigerungZvtermin Mandatory date (auction)
_wbs_sozialwohnung WBS social housing
_vermietet Rented
_gruppennummer Group number
_zugang Access
_laufzeit Runtime
_max_personen People (max)
_nichtraucher Non-smoker
_haustiere Pets
_geschlecht Gender
_denkmalgeschuetzt Listed building
_als_ferien For vacation
_gewerbliche_nutzung Commercial use
_branchen Industries
_betreutes_wohnen Assisted living
_foerderung Promotion
_erpachtdauer_yrs Leasehold period (years)
_baugenehmigung Building permit
_DatenimUeberblick Displays an overview of the most important data of the property in tabular form
_DatenimUeberblickohneASP Like _DatenimUeberblick except that the contact person is not displayed here
_DatenimUeberblickExt(Schriftart, Schriftgröße, Farbe, Breite [,Optional]) Like _DatenimUeberblick, only customizable with options
….Farbe Color of the odd rows in the table, specified in HEXCode
….Breite Width of the first table column in %
….Optional Optional parameters can be specified here. These are separated with a semicolon.(e.g. width=500;left)
….width=500 Specifies the total table width in pixels, e.g. 500px wide.
….left If this keyword is specified, the table appears left-justified.
….keinASP The line with the contact person is not output.
_ObjURLs Displays the links stored for a property.
_ObjTippgeber Displays the referrer
OWA from property
Mauro onOffice – Field designation
_owaFlaecheBauland Building plot area. The area of “garden land” is deducted from the area of the plot.
_owaFlaecheGartenland Garden land
_owaFlaecheGrundstueck Land area
_owaWertBauland Calculated value of the building plot
_owaWertGartenland Calculated value of the garden land
_owaBodenwert Calculated ground value
_owaBauwert Calculated building value
_owaBasiswert Total base value (land and building value)
_owaBasiswertAngepasst Total base value after adjustment to market value
_owaMarktwertanpassungProzent Market value adjustment in percent
_owaWertGebaeude Building value (gross building value without depreciation and cellar deduction
_owaWertAussenanlagen Calculated value of outdoor facilities
_owaWertBaunebenkosten Calculated value of additional building costs
_owaFlaecheWohnflaeche Living space
_owaDatum Current date
_owaBaupreisindex Construction Index
_owaBodenrichtwert Standard ground value
_owaUnterhaltung Nature of the conversation so far
_owaAusstattung Equipment
_owaAnzahlEtagen Number of floors
_owaImmobilienart Type of property
_owaBaujahr Year of building
_owaObjektStrasse Street
_owaObjektPLZOrt Zipcode City


The new ImmoWertV 2021 has been in force since 01.01.2022. This made adjustments to the OWA necessary. Please check the values of your analyzed properties.

NHK from property
Mauro onOffice – Field designation
_nhkHerstellungskosten Normal production costs
_nhkBruttogrundflaeche Gross floor area (GFA)
_nhkRegionalfaktor Regional factor
_nhkGesamtherstellungskosten Production value of the building (gross floor area*normal production costs in €/m²)
_nhkHerstellungskostenStichtag Normal production costs if this property were newly built today
_nhkMehrwertAussenanlage Value of outdoor facilities
_nhkBemerkungAussenanlage Comment on the outdoor facilities
_nhkHerstellungskostenInklusiveAussenanlagen Total normal production costs (incl. outdoor facilities)
_nhkGesamtnutzungsdauer Total useful life (GND) in years
_nhkRestnutzungsdauer Remaining useful life (RND) in years
_nhkLineareAbschreibungProzent straight-line depreciation in percent
_nhkLineareAbschreibungEuro linear depreciation in €
_nhkRestwert Residual value
_nhkRestwertProzent Residual value in percent
_nhkBodenrichtwert current standard land value (€/m2))
_nhkGrundstueckswert Plot value
_nhkZeitwertBesondererBauteile Current value of special components
_nhkBemerkungBesondererBauteile Remark on the special components
_nhkWertderMaengel Value of deficiencies
_nhkBemerkungWertderMaengel Comment on the deficiencies
_nhkSachwert Preliminary asset value of the property
_nhkSachwertDesGebaeudes Preliminary asset value of the building
_nhkSachwertMarktanpassungsFaktor Asset value market adjustment factor
_nhkBemerkungSachwertMarktanpassungsFaktor Comment on the asset value market adjustment factor
_nhkGesamtwertNachAnpassungAnMarktwert Total value after adjustment to market value
_nhkGesamtwert Total value rounded
_nhkNormalherstellungskosten Table for normal production costs. Parameters: (breite,höhe,einheit,mail/word). Here x can be entered as placeholder for the size or width. To specify units, px(for pixel) and cm are possible. When used in a word brochure, the parameter “word” must be specified. Additionally, some settings must be made. You can find more information here.
_korrekturBaupreisindex Correction of the construction price index
_nhkBaupreisindex2010 Construction Price Index 2010
_nhkVorderHinterland Foreland, backland
Infrastructure of the property
Mauro onOffice – Field designation
_zulieferung Supply
_ausblick View
_distanz_flughafen Distance Airport (km)
_distanz_fernbahnhof Distance Long distance train station (km)
_distanz_autobahn Distance highway (km)
_distanz_us_bahn Distance Subway (km)
_distanz_bus Distance Bus(km)
_distanz_kindergarten Distance kindergarten (km)
_distanz_grundschule Distance primary school (km)
_distanz_hauptschule Distance main school (km)
_distanz_realschule Distance Secondary school (km)
_distanz_gymnasium Distance High school (km)
_distanz_zentrum Distance centre (km)
_distanz_einkaufsmoeglichkeiten Distance shopping facilities (km)
_distanz_gaststaetten Distance restaurants (km)
_zeit_bus Public transport within walking distance Traffic
_zeit_hbf Travel time to main station
_zeit_bab Travel time to motorway
_zeit_flug Travel time to airport
Macros for the company imprint
Mauro onOffice – Field designation
_Vertretungsberechtigter The authorized representative
_Berufsaufsichtsbehoerde The professional supervisory authority
_Handelsregister The commercial register
_Handelsregisternummer The commercial register number
_USt.ID The sales tax ID
_Steuernummer The tax number
_Bankname The bank name
_IBAN The IBAN (formerly account number)
_BIC The BIC (formerly bank sort code)
_Kammer The chamber
_Weiteres Further imprint information
Appointment macros
Mauro onOffice – Field designation
_TerminBetreff Displays the subject of the appointment.
_TerminArt Displays the type of the appointment.
_TerminBemerkung Displays the comment of the appointment.
_TerminDatumUhrzeit Displays the start date with start time and the end time of the appointment, e.g. “on 01.01.2010 from 08:00 to 09:00”.
_TerminStartEndzeit Displays the start and end time of the appointment, e.g. “from 08:00 to 09:00”.
_TerminDatum Displays the start date of the appointment, e.g. “01.01.2010”.
_TerminStartzeit Displays the start time of the appointment, e.g. “08:00”.
_TerminEndzeit Displays the end time of the appointment, e.g. “09:00”.
_TerminEndeDatum Displays the end date of the appointment, e.g. “01.01.2010”.

Country Returns the complete location of the appointment incl. country

The Country parameter is optional.

  • Country: Returns the complete location of the appointment incl. country
_TerminLinkRueckmeldung Displays links that allow the recipient to confirm or cancel the appointment . The possibility to add or cancel is only available for participants of the appointment under “assigned addresses”. An email with the appointment data is sent to the registered users of the appointment.
_TerminLinkZusage Displays the unmasked link that the recipient can use to confirm the appointment.
_TerminLinkAbsage Displays the unmasked link that the recipient can use to cancel the appointment.
_TerminAdresseRoute Displays the block: “Directions can be found here.” Additionally, a link to the Google route planner is inserted, which has the appointment location as a destination.
_Signatur Displays the user’s email signature.
_Signatur(inaktiv) Prevents the output of an email signature.
_TerminStartWochentagKurz Displays the day of the week of the appointment start as an abbreviation: “Mon”, “Tue”, “Wed”, “Thu”, “Fri”, “Sat”, “Sun”.
_TerminStartWochentagLang Displays the day of the week of the appointment start: “Monday”, “Tuesday”, “Wednesday”, “Thursday”, “Friday”, “Saturday”, “Sunday”.
_TerminEndeWochentagKurz Displays the weekday of the deadline end as an abbreviation: “Mon”, “Tue”, “Wed”, “Thu”, “Fri”, “Sat”, “Sun”.
_TerminEndeWochentagLang Displays the day of the week when the deadline ends: “Monday”, “Tuesday”, “Wednesday”, “Thursday”, “Friday”, “Saturday”, “Sunday”.
_TerminErstelltVon Returns the name of the user who created the appointment.
_TerminErstelltAm Displays the date and time when the appointment was created.
_RueckmeldungTermin This macro displays a link to a web form. Feedback can be obtained from the prospect about this after an appointment. The macro can only be used with an appointment reference. To collect property feedback without a date reference, use the _Immofeedback(Profil:x) macro.

This macro displays a link to a web form. The real estate agent can use this to obtain appointment proposals from the prospect.

x = recipient of the feedback.
The recipient of the feedback can only be stored once in the macro. Multiple responses are not taken into account.

Parameters for the recipient of the feedback:
– loggedInUser: currently logged-in user
– adrBetreuer: Supervisor of the linked address
– objBetreuer: Supervisor of the linked property
– Ansprechpartner: Contact person of the linked property

y = Type of feedback.
This parameter determines how the feedback is given. Multiple answers are possible. In case of multiple entries, the parameters are separated with “,”.

Parameters for the type of feedback:
– SMS: sends an sms with the appointment suggestions
– Mail: sends an email with the appointment suggestions
– Task: creates a task with the appointment suggestions

txt = optional. If the “txt” parameter is present, the macro will be replaced by an unformatted link. If this parameter is missing, the macro will be replaced by a formatted HTML link.

The macro can also be used without parameters as a “_Zeitfenster”. In this case, the feedback is sent by email to the logged-in user. The “txt” parameter is ignored.


Here you can find out more about the possibilities, what you can dowith the _Zeitfenster Makro macro and how it is configured.

Macros in standard signature
Mauro onOffice – Field designation
_Uservorname First name of the current user
_Username Last name of the current user
_Usertitel Title of the current user
_Userplz Zipcode of the current user
_Userort Location of the current user
_Userland Country of the current user
_Userstrasse Street of the current user
_Userhausnummer House number of the current user
_Usermail Email address of the current user
_Usertelefon Phone number of the current user
_Usermobil Mobile number of the current user
_Userfax Fax number of the current user
_Userurl URL of the current user
_Userfirma Company of the current user
_Userustid VAT number of the current user
_Usergerichtsstand Jurisdiction of the current user
_Userposition Position in the company of the current user
_Userhinweis Note of the current user
_Usersonstiges Other information of the current user
_UserFoto(Hoehe,Breite,Einheit) Passport photo of the current user. Here a contact record must be linked to this user. Here x can be entered as a placeholder for the size or width. The possible units are px (for pixel) and cm.
_UserUnterschrift(Hoehe,Breite,Einheit) Signature image of the current user from the user settings. Here x can be entered as a placeholder for the size or width. The possible units are px (for pixel) and cm.
_OfficeGroupName Name of the office group of the current user
_OfficeGroupStreet Street of the office group of the current user
_OfficeGroupPostcode Zipcode of the office group of the current user
_OfficeGroupPhone Telephone of the office group of the current user
_OfficeGroupFax Fax of the office group of the current user
_OfficeGroupEmail Email of the office group of the current user
_OfficeGroupHomepage Homepage of the office group of the current user
_OfficeGroupTitle Salutation of the office group of the current user
_OfficeGroupFirstName First name of the office group of the current user
_OfficeGroupLastName Last name of the office group of the current user
_OfficeGroupHouseNr House number of the office group of the current user
_OfficeGroupBundesland State of the office group of the current user
_OfficeGroupMobile Mobile number of the office group of the current user
_OfficeGroupRechtshinweis Legal notice of the office group of the current user
_OfficeGroupHeadOfManagement Managing director of the office group of the current user
_OfficeGroupManagement Management of the office group of the current user
_OfficeGroupMiscellaneous Other of the office group of the current user
_OfficeGroupOwner Owner of the office group of the current user
_OfficeGroupCity Location of the office group of the current user
_OfficeGroupCountry Country of the office group of the current user
_OfficeGroupDescriptionOwner “Owner of the office:” + Name of the owner of the office group of the current user
_OfficeGroupPosition Location type of the group
_OfficeGroupKontonummer Group account number
_OfficeGroupBLZ Bank code of the group
_OfficeGroupBank Group bank
_OfficeGroupIBAN IBAN of the group
_OfficeGroupBIC BIC of the group
_OfficeGroupVertretungsberechtigter Authorized representative of the group
_OfficeGroupBerufsaufsichtsbehoerde Occupation supervision authority of the group
_OfficeGroupHandelsregister Commercial Register of the Group
_OfficeGroupHandelsregisternummer Commercial register number of the group
_OfficeGroupUStID VAT identification number of the group
_OfficeGroupSteuernummer Group tax number
_OfficeGroupKammer Group chamber
_OfficeGroupWeiteres Further imprint information of the group
_OfficeGroupWordLogo(Breite) Logo for Word template, Breite – integer, specify width in pixels
_OfficeGroupLogo(Breite) Logo for templates in html, Breite – integer, specify width in pixels
_OfficeGroupSignaturLogo(Breite) Logo for email signature, Breite – integer, specify width in pixels
_OfficeGroupFreetext(x) Macro for the x-th user-defined text of the office group
_OfficeGroupImage(x) Macro for the x-th image of the office group
_OfficeGroupImageTitle(x) Macro for the title of the x-th image of the office group
_OfficeGroupUeberuns “About us” text of the office group of the current user
Macros for owner email
Mauro onOffice – Field designation
(Owner email macros refer to agents log listings)
_MbeAnrede Salutation of the linked contact record
_MbeName Name of the linked contact record
_MbeVorname First name of the linked contact record
_MbeAnrede2 Salutation2 of the linked address data record
_MbeName2 Name2 of the linked address data record
_MbeVorname2 First name2 of the linked address data record
_MbeFirma Company of the linked contact record
_MbeStrasse Street and house number of the linked contact record
_MbePLZ Zipcode of the linked contact record
_MbeOrt Location of the linked contact record
_MbeLand Country of the linked contact record
_MbeTelefon Telephone number of the linked contact record
_MbeMobil Mobile number of the linked contact record
_MbeEmail Email of the linked contact record
_MbeIBAN IBAN of the linked contact record
_MbeBIC BIC of the linked contact record
_MbeDatum Date of agents log entry
_MbeArt Type of agents log entry
_MbeTyp Agents log entry typ
_MbeKosten Costs of the agents log entry
_MbeBemerkung(maxYXZ, NoLineBreak) Comment of the agents log entry
  • maxYXZ (optional): Limits the maximum number of characters, e.g. max50, max100, max500, …
  • NoLineBreak (optional): Removes all line breaks
_MbeBenutzer User of the agents log entry
_MbeListe Generates a list of the selected entries with the fields Date, Type, Comment, Interested party
_MbeKdNr KdNr of the linked contact record
_MbeDauer Duration of the agents log entry
_MbeUhrzeit Time, which is entered next to the date for the entry
Macros for revocation
Mauro onOffice – Field designation
_cancelationInstruction Displays the current revocation instruction.
_cancelationEarlyAccess Displays the “Immediate start” text.
_cancelationPlaceholderPrivacyNote Displays a hint text if a privacy policy is available.
_agreementLink(AGB, Kontakt, ogulo, Beginn, noMail, Newsletter)

The agreementLink without brackets and without parameters (_agreementLink) takes the configuration for the revocation from the basic settings / groups. The entries for active/inactive and the set options are fully taken into account.

You can customize the macro with parameters to suit your requirements.
Attention: As soon as you use parameters, the configuration from the basic settings is ignored! The macro then only considers the boxes of the specified parameters. The text is always output, even if the respective box is not active in the basic settings! Accordingly, all other settings for the respective box (with confirmation, duty, title) are also observed:

  • AGB displays the GTC text
  • Widerrufshinweis issues the revocation notice
  • Belehrung issues the revocation instruction
  • Musterwiderruf displays the sample revocation text (top and bottom) in conjunction with the “Instruction” parameter.
  • Datenschutzerklärung issues the privacy policy
  • Beginn displays the immediate start (active/inactive for warning and note for non-consent is observed)
  • Vertrag issues the contract
  • Kontakt displays the contact
  • Newsletter issues the newsletter
  • Footer displays the footer
  • Other 1, individual text modules can be integrated via their name
  • Other 2 etc. displays the following texts

Example of a configuration _agreementLink(Widerrufshinweis, Belehrung,Newsletter, Sonstiges 1,noMail)

Options do not affect the selection of text modules set for the version / group. If you only use options for the macro, the standard texts from the basic settings / groups are still used.

  • Titel: The title can be used to define the text for the link to the confirmation/download page. Commas must not be used in this one. (Example: _agreementLink(Titel:Please click here)
  • URL: If the URL option is set, then the agreement link will be output as URL only. This link can then be used e.g. in an HTML email directly in the HTML.
  • ogulo: If the Marketplace is active in your version, the 3D tours of Ogulo from the Marketplace will be used. The file type “Ogulo link” is ignored when using this macro.
  • loggedInUser sends a confirmation mail to the currently logged-in user
  • adrBetreuer sends a confirmation mail to the maintainer of the linked address
  • objBetreuer sends a confirmation mail to the maintainer of the linked property
  • pileupconfirm collects the confirmation boxes at the end
  • nopileupconfirm does not collect the confirmation boxes at the end
  • mail sends a confirmation mail to the customer
  • noMail does not send a confirmation mail to the customer
  • buttontextIMA, applies to all languages. The parameter can be used to specify which of the two texts of the confirmation button are to be defined in the form. Herewith the one for real estate WITH external commission is taken firmly. (Background, for legal reasons the text must be different in Germany, depending on whether an external commission is taken for real estate or not)
  • buttontextIOA, applies to all languages. The parameter can be used to specify which of the two texts of the confirmation button are to be defined in the form. This is a fixed commission for real estate WITHOUT external commission . (Background, for legal reasons the text must be different in Germany, depending on whether an external commission is taken for real estate or not)
_agreementLinkConfirmations The macro “agreementLink” can be used to confirm any text modules from the Revocation tab by interested parties. Such as a “cancellation policy”. Subsequently, the template “Confirmation revocation” is sent optionally by email. If the macro “_agreementLinkConfirmations” is additionally used in this template, all confirmed text modules are included for overview.
Other macros
Mauro onOffice – Field designation

Binds an image with the sizes defined below.

If the parameter ″Link″ is specified, the stored url is included.
Only the parameters up to number are taken into account.

For the type document feature, the name of the document feature is specified instead of the number.

……typ Titelbild, Foto, Foto_gross, Gruppenbild, Lageplan, Grundriss, Logo, Epass_Skala, QR-Code, Link or Dokumentenmerkmal // meaning: Cover photo, photo_large, group photo, site plan, floor plan, logo, epass_scale, QR code, link or document feature
……nummer Position depending on image type
……breite Width of the image. Alternatively an x, so that the width is calculated proportionally from the height
……höhe Height of the image. Alternatively an x, so that the height is calculated proportionally from the width
……einheit The unit of size information, px for pixel or cm

Possible values: ″free″,″mail″,″url″.

″free″ is the default setting.

If the macro is used in an HTML email, it should say ″mail″ here. (Size specifications then only possible in pixels)

Instead of embedding the image directly, the URL of the image can be output by ″url″. The width, height and unit parameters are ignored. Example: _OSG_BILDER(Titelbild,1,url)#

_OSG_BILDTITEL(typ,nummer) Inserts the title of the image with the corresponding number.
For the type document feature, the name of the document feature is specified instead of the number.The macro is only replaced if the associated image is also included via _OSG_Bilder-macro.
_brek_1_ Start of a recursive loop to include the data of several properties
_erek_1_ End of the loop
_brek_1_(new) Start of a recursive loop to include the data of several properties with the ″New″ option active on the marketing page. The loop is closed with _erek_1_ as with _brek_1_.
_brek_1_(priceReduced) Start of a recursive loop to include the data of several properties where the option ″Price reduction″ is active on the marketing page. The loop is closed with _erek_1_ as with _brek_1_.
_bAdrRek_1_ Start of a recursive loop to include the data from several addresses
_eAdrRek_1_ End of the loop
_bMbeRek_1_ Start of a recursive loop to include the data of several agents log entries
_eMbeRek_1_ End of the loop
_bMbeRek_1_(″ Aktionsart: X″) Start of a recursive loop to include the data from multiple agent’s log entries of an type of action.
Example: _bMbeRek_1_(″ Aktionsart: Termin″)
_bMbeRek_1_(″ Aktionsart: X″, ″ Aktionsart: Y″, ″ Aktionsart: Z″) Start of a recursive loop to include data from multiple agent’s log entries of multiple types of action.
Example: _bMbeRek_1_(″ Aktionsart: Termin″, ″Aktionsart: Email″, ″ Aktionsart: Telefonat″)
_bMbeRek_1_(″ Aktionsart: X; Aktionstyp: X1″) Start of a recursive loop to include the data of several agents log entries of different types of action and the corresponding kind of action.
Example: _bMbeRek_1_(″ Aktionsart: Termin; Aktionstyp: Besichtigung″)
_bMbeRek_1_(″ Aktionsart: X; Aktionstyp: X1, X2, X3″) Start of a recursive loop to include the data of several agents log entries of different types of action and the corresponding kind of action.
Example: _bMbeRek_1_(″ Aktionsart: Termin; Aktionstyp: Besichtigung, Notartermin″)
_bMbeRek_1_(″ Aktionsart: X; Aktionstyp: X1″,″ Aktionsart: Y; Aktionstyp: Y1″) Start of a recursive loop to include the data of several agents log entries of different types of action and the corresponding kind of action.
_einheitbrek_X_ (where as X = 1,2 and so on) Start of a loop for including property unit-specific macros
_einheiterek_X_ End of a loop for including property unit-specific macros
_EinheitX This macro can be used in the above loop for outputting data of units. Instead of X, the name of the property macro (without underscore) is used.
_gewerbebrek_X_ (where as X = 1,2 and so on) Start of a loop to include commercial property unit macros. Like _einheitbrek_X_, except that sold/rented items are not displayed.

End of a loop for including commercial property unit macros. The macros are resolved only for units when:

  • the corresponding unit is not marked as sold / rented out
  • an available area is entered, or the available area field is deactivated
_GewerbeX This macro can be used in the above loop for outputting data of commercial units. Instead of X, the name of the property macro (without underscore) is used.

Start of a recursive loop to include data of buyers of a property.

The data must be specified via the _BuyerX macro.

_buyererek_X_ End of a loop to read the data of the buyers of a property
_BuyerX This macro can be used in the above loop for outputting buyer data. Instead of X the name of the address macro (without underscore) is used.

Start of a recursive loop to include data of the tenant of a property.

The data must be specified via the _RenterX macro.

_rentererek_X_ End of a loop to read the data of the tenant of a property
_RenterX This macro can be used in the above loop to output tenant data. Instead of X the name of the address macro (without underscore) is used.

Start of a recursive loop to include data of the owners of a property.

The data must be specified via the _OwnerX macro.

_ownererek_X_ End of a loop to read the data of the owners of a property
_OwnerX This macro can be used in the above loop for output of owner data. Instead of X the name of the address macro (without underscore) is used.

All files attached to an email are sent via a 14-day download link. In HTML emails, this link can be hidden from the recipients behind ″Text″ (optional parameter).

  • txt: the link itself as text
_PDFLink The macro still works, but is no longer maintained.
Please replace with the macro agreementLink and the desired query.
_PDFLinkOhneAGB The macro still works, but is no longer maintained.
Please replace with the macro downloadLink.
_PDFLinkRueckruf The macro still works, but is no longer maintained.
Please replace with the macro agreementLink and the desired query.
_PDFLinkRueckrufOhneAGB The macro still works, but is no longer maintained.
Please replace with the macro agreementLink and the desired query.
_translate(text, Sprache)

This macro can be used only if the multilingual module is active. This macro can be used to translate texts as well as results of other macros. The language must be specified as a 3-character abbreviation.

Ex. _translate(House, DEU)

Translate(Text) translates the text into the language specified in the recipient’s contact record. Prerequisite: The translation is available in the dictionary.


If the content of another macro _makro (1st parameter) is empty, this macro returns Text1; otherwise Text2. The macro can be nested, e.g. _ifEmpty(_ifEmpty(_makro;″_makroX1″;″_makroY2″);″Text1″;″Text2″). If the field contents such as [purchase price] are to be checked instead of macros, the _calculate([field name]) macro MUST be used.

Please note that no checkboxes can be queried via the _ifEmpty macro, an empty checkbox has the value ″0″.

_if(Bedingung;″Text1″;″Text2″) This macro can be used to check macro results and then output values accordingly. If the condition is true, this macro returns Text1, if the condition is false Text2.
Example: _if(″_anzahl_zimmer″<″10″;″_anzahl_zimmer″;″several rooms″). If the field contents such as [kaufpreis] are to be checked instead of macros, the _calculate([field name]) macro MUST be used, example: _if(″_calculate([kaufpreis])″<″1000000″;″_kaufpreis″;″price on request″)Note, due to technical limitations, only simple macros (e.g. _PLZ) are possible as conditions. Complex macros like e.g. ″_ADRBetreuerUseranrede″ (Supervisor User Salutation) are not possible.
Please check the _if macro after installation.
_calculate(Rechnende-Formel) The macro can be used to calculate values using field values. A formula of the formula logic is used as parameter for this. Example (kaufpreis == purchase price): _calculate([kaufpreis]*3), _calculate(IF([kaufpreis]<1000000;[kaufpreis]*3;[kaufpreis]*4)). More information on formatting numerical values can be found here
_EmailBetreff Returns the subject of an email.
_Mehrwertsteuer Displays the currently valid VAT rate as a number (without %).
_VAT Displays the currently valid VAT rate as a number (without %).
_scoutneubauprojektkaufpreis_von As soon as a project ID is entered in the category ″Scout new construction project″ the fields Purchase price from/to are displayed. The macro is used to read out the From value.
_scoutneubauprojektkaufpreis_bis As soon as a project ID is entered in the category ″Scout new construction project″ the fields Purchase price from/to are displayed. The macro is used to read out the to value.
_scoutneubauprojektwohnflaeche_von As soon as a project ID is entered in the category ″Scout New Construction Project″ the fields Living Area from/to are displayed. The macro is used to read out the From value.
_scoutneubauprojektwohnflaeche_bis As soon as a project ID is entered in the category ″Scout New Construction Project″ the fields Living Area from/to are displayed. The macro is used to read out the to value.

This macro displays a link to a web form. This can be used to gather feedback from the prospect.

x = Profile number of the property feedback profile. It will generate the appropriate web form from the property feedback profile for the recipient.

You can find the number in your configured property feedback profiles.


Sends in emails a link to a Interactive brochure. The brochure itself must be selected in the tab ″Attachments >> Interactive brochures″.
In HTML emails, this link can be hidden from the recipients behind ″Text″ (optional parameter).
The link is valid for 14 days by default.

  • Text (optional) text for the link to the Interactive brochure

Sends a link to a survey in emails.
The survey ID must be specified for “XX”. These can be found in the list overview of surveys.
The link is valid for 14 days by default.

  • txt (optional). If the “txt” parameter is present, the macro will be replaced by an unformatted link. If this parameter is missing, the macro will be replaced by a formatted HTML link.
_Uhrzeit(Länge, Format, Zone)

Without parameters, the current time is output as follows: 13:00

Use the parameters to determine the format of the time information.
The following parameters are available:

Parameter – Meaning
hh:mm – Hour : Minute
hh:mm:ss – Hour : Minute : Second
12 – Indicates the time in 12-hour format. “am”/”pm” is output automatically.
zone – Also outputs the time zone.

(no parameters) _Uhrzeit = 13:00
_Uhrzeit(hh:mm:ss,12,zone) = GMT+02 01:00:00 am

Money Laundering Act Macros
Mauro onOffice – Field designation
_gwgGeburtsdatum Date of birth
_gwgVertragspartner Contractors
_gwgAusweisart Certificate type
_gwgAusweisnummer Certificate number
_gwgAusstellendeBehoerde Issuing authority
_gwgStaatsangehoerigkeit Nationality
_gwgGeburtsort Birthplace
_gwgGeburtsname Birth name
_gwgAuffaelligkeiten Anomalies
_gwgBerechtigter Economic Authorized (=wB)
_gwgWbVorname wB First name
_gwgWbName wB Name
_gwgWbStrasse wB Street
_gwgWbPlz wB Zipcode
_gwgWbOrt wB City
_gwgWbStaatsangehoerigkeit wB Nationality
_gwgWbGeburtsort wB Place of birth
_gwgWbGeburtsdatum wB Date of birth
_gwgRechtsform Legal form
_gwgRegisternummer Register number
_gwgMitgliederVerwaltungsorgan Members of the management body
Task macros
Word macro onOffice – Field designation
_AufgabeDatensatznummer Task number
_Auftragsbetreff Task subject
_Auftragsbeschreibung Task description
_KostenProMonat Cost per month
_Kosten Costs
_SollZeit Target effort
_TaskKundenInfo Customer information
CI values from the basic settings
Mauro onOffice – Field designation
_ci_farbe1 Color 1
_ci_farbe2 Color 2
_ci_schriftfarbe Font color
GDPR Macros (Basic Data Protection Regulation)
Mauro onOffice – Field designation
_DSGVO_Verantwortlicher Person responsible according to Article 4 (7) EU-GDPR
_DSGVO_Vertreter Representative pursuant to Article 4 (17) EU-GDPR
_DSGVO_Datenschutzbeauftragter Data Protection Officer
_DSGVO_Verarbeitungszweck Purpose of processing
_DSGVO_Rechtsgrundlage Legal basis
_DSGVO_Datenkategorien Data categories
_DSGVO_Personengruppen Groups of people affected
_DSGVO_Empfaenger Receiver
_DSGVO_Ausland Abroad
_DSGVO_Speicherdauer Duration of storage
_DSGVO_Betroffenenrecht Right to information, correction, deletion, restriction, data portability
_DSGVO_Widerrufsrecht Right of revocation
_DSGVO_Beschwerderecht Right of complaint to a supervisory authority
_DSGVO_NichtEinwilligungFolgen Possible consequences of non-consent
_DSGVO_Hinweispflicht Link to the template for the notice requirement
PDF-specific macros
Mauro onOffice – Field designation
_tabdefinition Sets the individual tab positions. Positions are written in mm in a comma-separated list. _tabdefinition(5,15,125) thus defines tab stops at 5mm, 15mm and 125mm.
{tab} Continues the text at the next tab stop specified in _tabdefinition. If no tab stops have been defined, a tab stop grid with 10mm spacing each is used.
_seite This macro displays the current page number in a PDF document.
_seite(gesamt) This macro displays the total number of pages in a PDF document.
_spalten(Anzahl: X, Abstand: Y) For a multi-column text, this macro defines the number and spacing (in mm) of the columns.
{sp} Defines the starting point of a multi-column text. If no column definition is specified, the text appears in 2 columns with a column spacing of 5 mm.
{/sp} Defines the end point of a multi-column text.

Defines the starting point of a text box. It can be used without the “_boxdefinition” macro. Then a text appears on a gray area without a frame and the width is automatically controlled by the amount of text.

Please place the macro unformatted in a separate line before the text that should appear in the box.


Defines the end point of a text box.

Please place the macro unformatted in a separate line behind the text that should appear in the box.

_boxdefinition(Farbe: x, Breite: x, Rahmenstärke: x, Rahmenfarbe: x, Ausrichtung: x)

A text box can be used to add a colored background to a text. Color, width, etc. can be specified in more detail via parameters:

  • Farbe: Fill color of the text box as hexadecimal value (example: #888888)
  • Breite: defines a fixed width of the text box in millimeters (mm)
  • Rahmenstärke: Frame thickness in point size (Pt)
  • Rahmenfarbe: Frame color of the text box as hexadecimal value (example: #888888)
  • Ausrichtung: Aligns the box horizontally, insofar as a fixed width is specified. Possible options are: left, right and centered

The parameters can be stored in the macro in any order. Also, not all parameters need to be defined. However, for the macro to take effect, at least one parameter should be used.

_EigentuemerFreigabePDF Returns the value for the Owner Address in PDF setting. The return value 1 corresponds to the selection “yes”. The return value 0 corresponds to the selection “no”
MLS-specific macros
Mauro onOffice – Field designation
_MLS Used in an email sent from the MLS to interested parties. The macro is used to display the title image, data and free text of the properties in your MLS property list in summary form.
Project macros
Mauro onOffice – Field designation
_projekttitel Project title
_projektnummer Project number
_projektart Type
_projektphase Project phase
_projektstatus _projektstatus
_projektprioritaet Priority
_projekteintragsdatum Entry date
_projektstartdatum Start date
_projektdeadline Deadline
_projektgeplantedauer Planned duration (in hrs.)
_projektpreismonatlich Price (monthly)
_projektpreis Price
_projekterledigtam Done on
_projektbeschreibung Project description
_projektanforderungen Text of the project request. Can be output either as HTML text or as plain text via optional parameter (text) or (html).
_projekthinweis Project hint
_projektnotizen Project notes
_projektistaufwand Actual expense
_projektverantwortung* The macros of the user administration are to be used instead of the asterisk(*). e.g.: _projektverantwortungBenutzername displays the name of the user who is entered as the project owner.
_projektbearbeiter* It should be possible to use the macros for the user administration instead of the asterisk. e.g.: _projektbearbeiterBenutzername displays the name of the user who is entered as the project manager. *
_projekteingetragenvon* It should be possible to use the macros from the user administration instead of the asterisk. For example: _projekteingetragenvonBenutzername displays the name of the user who entered the project.
_projektadresse* Address macros are to be inserted instead of the asterisk. e.g.: _projectaddressName displays the last name of the linked address.
_projektimmobilie* Property macros should be inserted instead of the asterisk. e.g.: _projektimmobilieobjekttitel displays the property title of the linked property.
Answer automatic portal requests macros
Mauro onOffice – Field designation
_PostfachBestaetigen(text/html) This macro displays a link that opens a web form. With the parameter “html” the link is output as “To web form” directly in the email. With the parameter “text” the pure URL is output.
_AdresseingabeWebformular(text/html) This macro displays a link that opens a web form and can only be used in conjunction with the request manager. With the “html” parameter, the link is output as “To web form” directly in the email. With the parameter “text” the pure URL is output.
Additionally to the familiar use of macros, the billing module has the special feature that certain information relevant to the invoice is saved at the time of invoicing. This makes it possible for the same invoice to be generated retrospectively, even if information, such as the address, has changed within the address in the meantime. Only by using the macros listed here in letter templates (>PDFdesigner) and PDF letter templates (>Templates/Files) is proper invoicing possible. Please note this when editing billing templates. If different macros are used, invoices may not be generated with the original data afterwards. The fields listed below can be retrieved with the prefix _Faktura and are used in invoice and email templates (if an invoice is attached).
Mauro onOffice – Field designation
Source: Basic settings > Basic data > Imprint
_FakturaVertretungsberechtigter Returns the value for the “Authorized representative” field from the imprint in the basic settings.
_FakturaBerufsaufsichtsbehoerde Displays the value for the “Professional supervisory authority” field from the imprint information in the basic settings.
_FakturaHandelsregister Displays the value for the “Commercial register” field from the imprint in the basic settings.
_FakturaHandelsregisternummer Displays the value for the “Commercial register number” field from the imprint in the basic settings.
_FakturaUSt.ID Returns the value for the “VAT ID” field from the imprint in the basic settings.
_FakturaSteuernummer Displays the value for the “Tax number” field from the imprint in the basic settings.
_FakturaBankname Displays the value for the “Bank name” field from the imprint in the basic settings.
_FakturaIBAN Displays the value for the “IBAN” field from the imprint in the basic settings.
_FakturaBIC Displays the value for the “BIC” field from the imprint in the basic settings.
_FakturaKammer Displays the value for the “Chamber” field from the imprint in the basic settings.
_FakturaWeiteres Displays the value for the “Other” field from the imprint in the basic settings.
Source: Basic settings >> billing
_FakturaZahlungszielBelegtext Displays the document text of the payment term, depending on which payment term was stored in the basic data of the address. Document texts for payment terms can be stored in the basic settings on the Invoice tab.
_FakturaZahlungszielTage Displays the payment target set in the basic data of a contact.
_FakturaZahlungszielDatum Returns a date in the format DD.MM.YYYY. For the payment types “Bank transfer” and “Other”, the value is calculated from the date of invoicing plus the days of the payment term, which is stored in the basic data of the address. For the payment type “Credit card”, the date of invoicing plus one day is output. For the “Direct debit” payment type, three bank working days are added to the date of invoicing.
_FakturaZahlungsartText Displays the free text for the payment types of invoices or credit notes stored in the basic settings. The macro works context-dependently in invoices or credit notes, depending on which payment type was stored in the basic data of the linked address.
_FakturaSteuerpflichtText Displays the free text stored in the basic settings. This is output depending on the tax liability stored in the address and the checked VAT ID: If the tax liability of the address is set to EU, the validity of the VAT ID is checked:
  • If valid, the text from the basic settings of the Customer from EU category appears.
  • If invalid or not specified, no text will be inserted.
  • If the tax liability of the address is set to Third country, the text from the basic settings of the Customer from third country category will always be inserted.
  • If the tax liability of the address is set to §4 No. 7d UStG, the text from the basic settings of the Customer IAEA category will always be inserted.
_FakturaWaehrung Displays the currency symbol selected in the basic invoice settings.
_FakturaSEPA-GlaeubigerID Displays the value of the “SEPA Creditor Id” field stored in the basic invoice settings.
Source: Receipts
_FakturaBelegArt Displays the type of receipt(invoice / credit note).
_FakturaBelegDatum Displays the date when the invoice was created / generated. Format: DD.MM.YYYY.
_FakturaBelegAnschrift Displays the data from the billing address field in the basic data of a contact. If this is not filled, the logic of _OSG_ADRESSAT is used. However, the source is not the address, but the address data copied for invoicing.
_FakturaBelegNummer Displays the invoice number or credit note number of an invoice. The format of the invoice number is defined in the basic settings Invoice.
_FakturaBelegBetragBrutto Displays the gross total amount of an invoice or credit note.
_FakturaBelegBetragNetto Displays the net total amount of an invoice or credit note.
_FakturaRabattText Displays the text of the discount on the net subtotal of an invoice. For example: “20.00 % discount on € 44.00”. If an individual description for the discount has been stored, this will also be output. For example: “20,00 % discount on 44,00 €. Individual agreement due to long-term cooperation.”
_FakturaRabattSummeNetto Displays the sum of the discount, including currency, on the net subtotal of an invoice. For example: “-€8.80”
_FakturaSEPA-FaelligkeitDatum Returns a date in the format DD.MM.YYYY. For the payment types “Bank transfer” and “Other”, the value is calculated from the date of invoicing plus the days of the payment term, which is stored in the basic data of the address. For the payment type “Credit card”, the date of invoicing plus one day is output. For the payment type “Direct debit”, three bank working days are added to the date of invoicing. The macro still works, but is no longer maintained. Please use the macro _FakturaZahlungszielDatum instead.
_FakturaBelegErsteller Displays the record number of the user who created the document.
_FakturaGutschriftRechnungsnummer Works only in credit notes and displays the invoice number of the invoice from which the credit note was created.
_FakturaGutschriftRechnungsdatum Works only in credit memos and displays the date when the invoice from which the credit memo was created was created.
_FakturaLeistungszeitraum The service period results from the selected payment interval in the basic data of a contact. Example: The address has “quarterly” as the set payment interval. Invoicing date: 01.01.2020 Start performance period: 01.01.2020 Start performance period: 01.01.2020 End of performance period: 31.03.2020 Output of the macro: “Performance Period: 01.01.2020 – 31.03.2020” Special features: If the invoice contains only one-time payments, the macro displays an empty text.
_FakturaZahlungsintervall Returns the value for the “Payment interval” field of a document. Only relevant for subscriptions. For one-time payments, an empty text is output.
_Faktura* * is to be replaced by any client macro, omitting the underscore of the client macro. Example: _FakturaMdtfirma: Deposits the value from the _Mdtfirma field after creating an invoice that was saved at the time of creating an invoice. The following client macros are excluded: _Mdtfreitexte(XX), _Mdtfreitext01 – _Mdtfreitext10, _Rechtshinweis and _Mdturl, _downloadAgb.
Source: Address > Transaction
_FakturaZahlungszielTitel Displays the value for the “Payment term” field from the basic data.
_FakturaZahlungsart Displays the payment type selected in the basic data of a contact. Payment types are stored in the basic data of a contact.
_FakturaAbweichendeRechnungsanschrift Displays the different billing address entered in the basic data of a contact.
_FakturaSEPA-Mandatsreferenz Displays the customer number and appends a number to it, depending on the number of the payment account. Is transferred during the sync of an address from DATEV to onOffice and stored there in the address data record.
_FakturaUstIdNr Displays the VAT registration number of a contact entered in the basic data.
_FakturaFirmaUstIdPruefung Specifies the value for the “Company for VAT ID field check” from the basic data.
_FakturaSteuerpflicht Displays the value for the “Tax liability” field from the basic data.
Source: Address > Basic data
_FakturaName Displays the last name of the contact associated with the document.
_FakturaVorname Displays the last name of the contact associated with the document.
_FakturaFirma Displays the company of the contact associated with the document.
_FakturaLand Displays the country from the address of the contact associated with the document.
_FakturaPLZ Displays the postal code from the address of the contact associated with the document.
_FakturaOrt Displays the city from the address of the contact associated with the document.
_FakturaStrasse Displays the street from the address of the contact associated with the document.
_FakturaAdrDatensatznummer Displays the record number of the contact associated with the document.
_FakturaKdNr Displays the customer number of the contact associated with the document.
Source: Address > Contact
_FakturaBriefanrede Displays the letter salutation of the contact associated with the document.
_FakturaRechnungEmail Displays the email address with the type Billing address from the contact associated with the document.
Source: Property
_Fakturaobjektnr_extern Returns the ImmoNo. of the property associated with the document.
Source: Posting account
_FakturaKontoIBAN Displays the IBAN stored in the basic settings “Manage posting accounts”, which was stored for the account used in the document.
_FakturaKontoBIC Displays the BIC stored in the basic settings “Manage posting accounts”, which was stored for the account used in the document.
_FakturaKontoBankname Displays the bank name stored in the basic settings “Manage posting accounts”, which was stored for the account used in the document.
_FakturaKontoname Returns the name of the booking account selected in the underlying booking.
Faktura light Macros
Mauro onOffice – Field designation
_invoiceNumber Displays the invoice number.
_fakturaZS1(x) _fakturaZS2(x) _fakturaZS3(x) Returns information from the selected payment terms. ZS1 = payment term 1 ZS2 = payment term 2 ZS3 = payment term 3 Possible parameters x:
  • Date Reproduction of the corresponding due date (invoice date + payment deadline)
  • DiscountA: Rendering of the corresponding cash discount value as a number in percent without a percent sign
  • DiscountB: Reproduction of the discount value as an amount (example: 123.45.)
  • DiscountC: Reproduction of the invoice amount reduced by the discount value
_fakturaPayCondition Displays the text of the selected payment term
_fakturaCancellationNumber Displays the cancellation number.
_fakturaErzVerkaufspreis Displays the value “realized sales price” to the invoice.
_fakturaErzInnenprovision Displays the value “achieved internal commission” to the invoice.
_fakturaErzAussenprovision Displays the value “achieved external commission” to the invoice.
_fakturaErzGesamtprovision Displays the value “total commission achieved” to the invoice.
_fakturaBetrag Displays the “Amount” value to the invoice.
_fakturaVortext Displays the value Pretext to the invoice.
_fakturaNachtext Displays the value of the posttext to the invoice
_fakturaUser Displays the user.
_fakturaPeriod Displays the performance period.