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Multilingual addresses

If you want to address international contacts, the communication should be in the language of the contacts – or at least in a language that is understood by both sides.

This is very easy with the multilingual templates of onOffice. If a language is specified in the address, the appropriate template is automatically sent.

Set the language of an address record

The selection of the country in the master data in an address record does not define a language, which must be set separately in the “Language” field under Contact. This is used, for example, to fill the field Letter salutation including punctuation appropriately.

You can find a training video on multilingualism here.

For a single letter or email, the entire text can be formulated in the appropriate language, but this does not work for multiple addresses with different languages. With the multi-language module, you can centrally create language variants for each template. The template variant that matches the language is then used for each address data record. Outputs from macros are automatically translated as well.

For information on how to use multilingual templates in communication, see the chapter“Multilingual templates“. There you can also look up how to create a multilingual template using an email as an example.