You are here: Home / Extras / Portals / Setup / Portal Interfaces Configuration / Advanced settings


Advanced settings

The advanced settings can be found under Tools >> Settings >> Basic Settings >> Portals by selecting the desired portal and unfolding the “Portal Settings” box by clicking the blue “Show advanced settings” button. Here you can make settings for the export to the portal. An extract of the options is explained here.

Opened view for advanced settings for portals

Fix file names

Some portals require constant file names to function correctly. To ensure this, use the ‘Fix file names’ option. This option only works for portals where full synchronization is set.
If this option is activated, the file which is sent to the portal is always transferred there with the same name.

Limitation / Rotation

With the limitation or property rotation you can limit the number of transferred properties for a portal. The limitation is explained here, the property rotation is a bit more extensive and is explained on this page .


Please select the “Limit” mode and enter the corresponding number of properties. If the number of properties transferred to the portal or reserved, all other properties for this portal will show a message that the limit has been reached.

Please remember, if you use office groups and different provider numbers, the set number is then allowed per provider number. So total number of transferred properties = limitation * different provider numbers.

Note that the slash character / is not allowed in the provider number.

Automatic full adjustment

You can have automated reconciliations set up for a portal interface. Once a day is possible for full adjustment and up to twice a day for mass partial adjustment.
Activation is carried out by Support, after which you can adjust the times individually.

You can find a description in the chapter automatic portal synchronization.


Please contact the onOffice support for further details and the arising costs.


Two different transmission parameters are available. FTP is set automatically at the beginning and if you want to switch to SFTP, check the box “Use SFTP”. When an FTP interface is set up, port 21 is automatically selected, and port 22 is automatically selected when an SFTP interface is set up. However, it is possible to change them manually by activating the field “Change FTP/SFTP port manually”.

Special features Immobilienscout24

Configuration especially for ImmobilienScout 24

Status IS24 per property

When transferring a property to Immobilienscout24 you have the option of deciding where the property is to be displayed (portal / broker homepage / channel).
The prerequisite is that you set the “Status IS24 per property” to active in the Immobilienscout24 interface. Three more fields appear: “Status IS24”, “Status Homepage” and “Field Active Groups in Marketing

Status IS24 / Homepage

By activating the status IS24 per property, you can specify for each property individually whether it is to be displayed in the portal or on your IS24 homepage. To do this, set “Status IS24” and “Status Homepage” to “active”.
Now you can switch to the tab “Marketing” of the desired property and check the category “Further portal settings” where interested parties should see your property on IS24.

Adjustment via advertisement on the homepage or portal in the marketing of the property

Active groups in marketing

The “Active groups in marketing” field only appears in the “Extended settings” of the Immobilienscout24 interface after you have set the “Status IS24 per property” field to active. If you set it to visible, a field “active scout groups” will appear in your property on the tab “Marketing”, category “further portal settings”.
Here you can now insert a list of marketplace numbers. These are the IDs of the “publish channels” of the stock exchanges / groups in which your property should appear. The numbers are assigned by Immobilienscout24.
If you want to address it to more than one channel, please enter the numbers without spacing, separated by a comma.

Setting via advertisement in IS24 groups in the marketing of the real estate

It is also possible to open your own stock exchange / group at IS24. Please contact the Immobilienscout24 service for this.

For delete job properties

When deactivated, the property remains in the database of the ImmobilienScout 24 and can be used for statistics. If you select the Delete option, the property is deleted from the ImmobilienScout database.