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Difference of Key Figures – Widget and Result List

A lot of data can be evaluated via the statistics in onOffice. Often there are differences between the number in the widget and the values displayed in the result list. There are various reasons for this deviation and in most cases they are not errors.


Appointment widget

The appointment widget must take into account which values are evaluated exactly – participant or supervisor/creator. If, for example, participants are counted, all users are counted as participants. For example, if the statistics of all users are viewed, the numbers in the widget can be much higher than the results in the list, because there is not one activity entry for each user, but one entry per appointment. If the supervisor/creator is evaluated, only the creator is considered, i.e. one entry per appointment.

Unterschiede Teilnehmer und Ersteller im Termin-Widget in den Statistiken


In the following two cases are shown which may lead to different results.

Case 1: Appointments without address or property reference

If no address or property is linked to participants in an appointment, there is also no activity entry. The appointment is counted, but cannot be displayed in the list of results without an activity entry.

Case 2: Missing reading rights

An appointment with property and address was created. However, you do not have read permission for both or one of the data records. This causes the entry to be counted in the widget, but not displayed in the result list, because all entries without read permission are hidden there. No empty entries as in the agents log are displayed yet