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Assigning Property Manually

You can see assignments to addresses and a property in the email header under “From:” and “To:”. The links are links to the respective data records. If you hover over a name with the mouse, a tile with information opens. You can perform various actions there.

Click on Assign or to open a pop-up for assigning a property data record. If you have already sent properties to the linked contact by email, you will find them in the list. If no contact is yet linked to the email, the list will show you the most recently accessed properties. 

You can search for existing properties using various selection options. Once you have found the desired property, select it and click on “Assign”. The property is then assigned to the email and the email is listed in the agent’s log. Please note that only one property can be linked to an email.

Open activity from email

If you want to open the activity of the email, move the mouse over the name of the property. A tile opens with some information about the property and 3 icons. Click on  to open the activity and you can edit it directly. If you do not have read permission for the activity, the icon is displayed in light gray and cannot be clicked. 

Aktivität der Immobilie aus der E-Mail öffnen

Solve property assignment

To remove an existing link to the property, click on  in the property tile.