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Transmission error IS24
ImmobilienScout24 does not send out import reports. Any errors are displayed in the job log . A list of common errors can be found below.
Error message
The error messages usually state which field is affected. The property name on the left of the line is created as a “link”, by clicking on it, you will go directly to the property where the error occurred.
If the certification has expired (e.g. change of user data at ImmobilienScout24), a corresponding message appears and you have to renew the certification.
Here is a list of common error messages from ImmbilienScout24:
The following messages refer to the contact person
PropertyNumber, the following error has occurred:
… update contact with personNo u_2( scoutId u_2): The parameter [contact id] has an invalid value [For input string: “u_2”].
or … Error when reading the publication channels
or .. update contact with personNo ***
Causes, solution:
- Log in to IS24 and compare the data of the contact persons created there with those in onOffice.
- Please delete the contact person/address in the scout manager.
PropertyNumber, the following error has occurred:
… Error when reading out the contacts
Causes, solution:
- The contact person of the property does not have the contact type broker.
The following messages relate to the property
PropertyNumber, the following error has occurred:
… Error while validating input for the resource. [MESSAGE: propertyNumber : XYZ : OBJECT_NUMBER_ALREADY_EXISTS]
or … Error while validating input for the resource. [MESSAGE: It is not allowed to change the type of property]
Causes, solution:
- Have you changed the type of use? E.g. from residential to commercial?
- Changed the type of property?
A change of the category is rejected by Immobilienscout. The property must be first deleted in the Scout Manager.
ATTENTION: You will lose the Scout ID in the process.
PropertyNumber, the following error has occurred:
… The commission text may be max. 100 characters long.
Causes, solution:
- The length of the commission text is limited to 100 characters. To be on the safe side, please enter max. 95 characters. If you need more space, please use the Commission Note field. The field may still need to be enabled in the administration.
PropertyNumber, the following error has occurred:
… Missing value: _hausNr
or … Missing value: _Str.
or … Missing value: _Preis
Causes, solution:
- The types of property where these fields are mandatory are different from those in the old interface. Please provide appropriate values for street and house number, and do not publish the property address.
- Note, it is not possible to ‘Transfer price on request’ for all types of property.
PropertyNumber, the following error has occurred:
… [MESSAGE: Could not publish property in project. project is not activated].
Causes, solution:
- The check mark for IS24 has been set in the property >> Marketing tab >> Further portal settings >> Export to IS24 . This tick is intended for the“Scout new-build project” and its units.
If it is a Scout new-build project, the correct project ID should be stored in the property. If it is a normal property, the mentioned hook should be removed.
PropertyNumber, the following error has occurred:
… Resource [attachment] with id not found.
Causes, solution:
- This error occurs when a property is updated at short intervals. When updating, first the images that are online are deleted and then the images that are noted in onOffice are uploaded.
PropertyNumber, the following error has occurred:
… Missing value: Energy certificate valid until
Causes, solution:
- The field ‘Energy certificate valid until’ is a mandatory field as soon as you have entered an energy certificate in the field Energy certificate type. The field is used to check whether the energy certificate is from before 30.04.2014 or after.
the following error has occurred:
The parking spaces are not displayed in Immobilienscout.
Causes, solution:
- Only parking spaces / parking bays that have been entered in TAB Details via the Parking bays field will be transferred.
The following messages are related to your Scout account
PropertyNumber, the following error has occurred:
.. publish object on is24 failed with message: Error while validating input for the resource. [MESSAGE: No contingent available]
or … ERROR_RESOURCE_VALIDATION Error while validating input for the resource. [MESSAGE: No automatic booking enabled]
Causes, solution:
- You are trying to publish the property in a region that is not covered in your IS24 package.
- More properties should be put online than you have booked.
- It may also be that you want to transfer a type of property, which must be booked separately with Scout.
Please check and upgrade your IS24 account if necessary to include the features that may be subject to charges.
PropertyNumber, the following error has occurred:
… User XYZ should be realtor.
Causes, solution:
- The IS24 account, with which the client has certified with us, is not an account from a broker. The customer must book a commercial brokerage account with IS24.
General error
PropertyNumber, the following error has occurred:
… Internal Server Error. [ERROR ID: 4d64cff6-6533-405c-9577-4b8a5a8d2d03]
Causes, solution:
- Error message from IS24. There was an error in the processing of the property. Please transfer the property again. If further transfers of the property report an ‘Internal Server Error’, you should contact ImmoblienScout24 support.