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Process manager

Start process

Start processes manually

Processes can be started manually only by users who have the “Start processes” user right. This right makes the entry Create >> Process visible in the Actions bar for properties, contacts and emails etc. Clicking on the entry opens the “Start process” popup.

Use the Process template item to select the appropriate template. To do this, enter part of the template name and select correct template.

In the Responsibility field, enter the user responsible for the process. This can also be an individually created user. These can be found at the end of the list.

If an address or property reference is already required at the start of a process, enter the corresponding names and select the address or property. This can also be an individually created user. These can be found at the end of the list. If you have created the process from a data record, the link to this is already pre-assigned.

To start the process, click the “Start Process” button.

Processes with the process step Autostart can also be started manually like any other process.

Automatic process start

To start an automatic process, the start parameters set in the template must be met. Thus, a process template that has the Activity and Email autostart parameters can never start a process with the Activity and System start parameters. Only when all previously set parameters match, the process is started.

After you have started a process manually or the process has been started automatically, the number on the process icon in the module bar indicates that a process step is pending for your user. This number indicates that one or more processes are running and that you need to carry out process steps. Clicking on this icon will take you to the list view of running processes.