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Customer communication

Owner Series Report

Short form

The Owner Series Report allows you to create one activity report for multiple properties and multiple owners. In the list view in the property module, mark the desired properties with a check mark and select Write >> Owner Series Report in the Actions bar.

In the popup you can now select the desired period of the agents log entries as well as the e-mail template. Preview allows you to check the emails sent to each recipient.

You can specify which property activities are included in the activity report. Set the flag for property trackingin the desired activities in the agents log.

Owner series report in detail

In the list view of properties, select the desired properties and click the “Owner Series Report” option in the Actions bar under “Write”.


The popup opens with the Settings tab.


The first field displays the list of selected properties.


Below that, you can specify from which point in time the activities are listed. End time is always the current date.


In the “The following owners will be notified” list, all owners linked to the properties appear – if an e-mail address is stored in their address record. For owners with more than one stored email address, all email addresses are listed, but only the default email address is highlighted.
If you want the email to go to another email address or also to a second email address, please adjust the checkmarks accordingly.

Only one email is sent per owner, if an owner has several properties, all of them are shown together in this email.


A special template for the owner report has been created, which is also selected by default. By clicking in the field, you can also select other templates, these must have the template type“Activity report“.

Settings for sending

You can have a blind copy of each of the reports sent to you.

Please check the signature and – if you use multiple mailboxes – the sender in the “Identity” field, just as with normal e-mailing.

Preview Owner Series Report

Before sending the owner notifications, please check the emails in the Preview tab.

The preview can be displayed for each owner – each individual email. To do this, select the desired owner name in the drop-down list and the preview will be created.

If there are no activities for a report for the selected owner, a message “Message contains no activities and will not be sent” will be displayed instead of the preview. In this case, you have not specified a time period or there are no activities in the property for “property tracking” in the requested time period.

For example, if the reports are very large, you can also send them to yourself first for checking. To do this, please click on “Test to myself” at the bottom left.

With “Send all” the individual e-mails are sent. This is entered as an activity in the owner’s address record and in the broker’s book of their properties.

After the report has been sent, a note will be displayed, stating once again how many reports have been sent.