You are here: Home / Extras / Templates / Template management / Overview

Here is a brief overview of the elements and layout. For the individual template types – and the input of the texts – there are more detailed explanations on separate pages.
In the template management menu Edit >> Templates/Files there are separate tabs for each template type.
You can organize the templates into folders. The folder-level permissions help with this.
System templates and the continuously extended sample templates can be found in the ready-made folders.
The folder settings etc. are made via the “mouseover icons”, which are only displayed when the mouse pointer is also in the corresponding area.
The templates contained in the folders are listed on the right side of the tab. The columns can be customized in the administration .
The table view also contains the “mouseover icons” for editing and the settings
Creating templates is done as usual via the plus icon , which then opens the new unified lightbox. In the lightbox you can select the template type you want to create. The matching fields are displayed accordingly. Of course, the template type of the currently selected tab is preset.
Whether folder or template, you can reach the configuration via the mouseover icon with the wrench . Here you can change the name, hint, rights, etc.
Using drag’n’drop you can move templates between folders.
The notes that you have stored in the individual templates in the settings will be visible when you select the templates.