You are here: Home / Additional modules / Process manager / Create process template / steps / Action Autostart

Process manager

Action Autostart

Let processes start by themselves via the “Autostart” . Define the framework conditions and the process step is automatically displayed to the responsible employee.

In doing so, you specify certain parameters that start the process. For example, some processes should be started only for certain types of contact records. By specifying a filter (see Filter mode), the process start can be limited to certain data sets. Only if the contact or the property is included in the filtered records, the process will be started.

The autostart can also be started as reactions to activities on contact records. When an e-mail with a certain characteristic is received, this automatically starts a process.

So that processes are not already started automatically during the design, the autostart is initially inactive. Once the template is completed, activate the autostart (see Activated).

When adding the process step “Autostart” the following mask appears:


The following input options are available here:

Please do not enable autostart until the process is fully created and tested.

You determine whether the process should be started when the property status changes or on a specified date.

Start parameter


All date fields available and activated in onOffice enterprise edition are available here. Under “Number of days” you specify how many days before / after the process should be started. If you want the year of the date to be ignored, please check the corresponding box.

For example, you can create a process for birthday greetings that is started a few days before a birthday. To do this, select “Date of birth” in the date field.

Date as process step

property status

If the property status is set to a certain value, processes can also be started. The start can occur when the property status changes or when the “property status (after)” assumes a certain value.

Edit property status

Field value

Here you can select all selection fields (single-/multiselect) that exist for contacts or properties as start parameters for a process.

Edit field value

Type of action

Here you can select type of actions, which must be specified by further information. Each type of action can trigger an Autostart only once, after that the ProcessID is locked for this activity entry with the type of action. Furthermore, it should be noted that the filtering of records is different for an activity autostart. Please choose first if you want to filter by contacts or properties. After that you can choose from the available contact filters or property filters in “Filter”.

Process start on type of action


Using the Appointment settings, an autostart can be set to appointments with certain types. You can set here whether the Autostart should start before or after the appointment. In addition, you can specify whether the autostart should work for serial appointments or whether a certain appointment status is required for the autostart.

Set up process autostart on appointments.

Using a filter, you limit the possible data sets that automatically starts the process. For example, a filter can be created for contacts that have the contact type “Interested party” and are located in the postal code range XXXXX to YYYY. Only contacts that meet the start parameters and are detected by the filter will start the process.

Depending on whether the start parameter refers to properties or contacts, only the filters of this module are displayed for selection.

Only one filter can be selected at a time. After selection, this is displayed and can be deleted via the trash can icon.

Filter mode

The filters become part of the process by copying the filter in its current parameters into the process. Subsequent modification of the filter does NOT affect the process. So if the filter is changed, it must be deleted from the template and added again.

Now you can add the other process steps.